Thursday, May 1, 2008


Are you ready for the first challenge? Here it is: JUST SAY NO! - to plastic bags that is. This month we challenge you to forego plastic bags completely. When you buy a bottle of shampoo at CVS, just say, "No, I don't need a bag. Thank you." At the grocery store, bring or buy reusable bags.

It may take a little getting used to. You're bound to find yourself at the checkout counter with an armful of items and your reusable bag in the car. Don't be embarassed. Ask someone to hold your place and go get them!

With a little practice it will become habit. Just keep your reusable totes in your car and they'll be ready whenever you make a quick stop at the store.

There are plenty of options available for reusable totes. Jewel, Dominic's and Whole Foods all have them. Plenty of on-line vendors offer a variety of options. Green Homes sells large reusable totes for $7 each or 3 for $20. Just drop us an e-mail at and we'll get them right out to you.

It really doesn't matter what reusable bag you use. But please, JUST SAY NO to plastic bags!

PLASTIC BAG FACT #1: Each year Americans use 30-100 billion plastic bags; of which only a tiny fraction are ever recycled.

1 comment:

Me, You, or Ellie said...

love the challenge, and I've been practicing this for a little while now. My punishment for forgetting my canvas bags is that I have to buy a new one - most everyone sells them. Also, it felt really strange, but on a recent trip to the grocery store I simply loaded my items back into the cart and then into my trunk. All of my favorite bags are from Trader Joe's

keep up the good work!
