Monday, May 5, 2008

The Challenge Continues...

How has the ban on plastic bags been going for you? We had a big family event this weekend with extra shopping to do, but managed to avoid receiving any plastic bags!
My achievement did however, cause great consternation to the Jewel worker who just couldn't believe that I REALLY didn't want a plastic bag for my eggs!

Have you faced any resistance in your attempt to shop without plastic bags?

If you need more encouragement to continue the challenge, check out:

Plastic Bag Fact #2: It takes 12 million barrels of oil to produce the plastic bags used by American consumers each year!


Me, You, or Ellie said...

Badly. Really, really badly. We usually bike to our little grocery store here in Fort Davis, backpacks in hand, and we have to beg the checkers not to give us plastic bags. But we ARE reusing the plastic bags as cushioning as we're packing boxes. So we haven't been reducing all that much, but we are reusing.

But, all that's going to change. Today. I am officially going to Stop The Madness and Accept The Challenge.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

At Vons, they really want to put the roasted chicken into plastic and tie it in a knot, then place that whole bag inside one of my reusable bags. Silly.
