Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The very first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970 by over 20 million people in the United States. Almost 40 years later, Earth Day is a global celebration, marked by billions of people throughout the world. The theme of this year's Earth Day is The Green Generation. Throughout the country and the world, Earth Day Celebrations include clean-ups, concerts, festivals, educational programs and political rallies. Earth Day has also been chosen as the opening date for "Earth" a movie created by Disneynature to highlight the beauty of our planet and the threat posed to it by global warming.

How will you celebrate Earth Day? In no particular order, Green Homes offers the following suggestions:

  • Walk, ride your bike, car pool or take public transportation to school or work. For this one day, see if you can avoid using your car at all.

  • Limit your use of electronics and appliances - how about letting your hair dry naturally instead of plugging in that hair dryer? Maybe you can cut back your screen time by a half an hour, an hour or maybe keep those screens dark for the day.

  • Hug a tree. Or plant one. If your yard doesn't have room, have one planted in the rain forest.

  • Try to have a least one waste-free meal. Don't use any disposables: china plates and cloth napkins can make even the most lowly meal seem special. Send your children's lunches in reusable containers. Fill a thermos instead of packing a plastic water bottle or juice box. If you buy coffee on the go, bring your own travel mug.

  • Recycle everything you can.

  • Wash your clothes in cold water. If it's nice out, dry them on a clothes line.

  • Don't waste water. Take a shorter shower. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. Save a flush - if it's yellow, let it mellow!

  • Save a tree. Use both sides of paper. Don't print from your computer unless you really need to.

  • Write your elected officials to let them know the environment is important to you.

  • Go to see "Earth".

  • Unplug electronics you are not using. (This includes everything from your electric toothbrush to your coffeemaker to your flat screen TV.)
  • Change a light bulb. Try the new generation CFLs or LEDs.

  • Adjust the thermostat. If it's cold, throw on a sweater; or better yet, cuddle! If it's hot, throw open the window.

  • Get the on-line version of your favorite newspaper.

  • Turn off the lights when you leave the room.

  • Use green, non-toxic cleaning products.

  • Talk to your friends about ways you can reduce your environmental impact.
  • Form a Green Team at your work place or school.

  • Clean up the environment around you. Clear the garbage and debris from your local park, bike path or beach. Create a more beautiful and healthy environment for the people and wildlife in your community.

  • Say "No, thank you" when offered a plastic bag. Bring your own reusable bag, buy one at the store, or just carry your items in your arms.

  • Take an environmental pledge. Consider it a New Year's Resolution in April. What can you pledge to do this year to help the planet?

  • Enjoy nature. Visit a local nature preserve or just appreciate the beauty in your own backyard.

We hope these suggestions help you commemorate Earth Day 2009. There are literally thousands of ways you can help your planet today and every day. Let us know what you are doing. We would love to read your suggestions and ideas. Our motto is "A Greener Planet Starts at home", but it can really start anywhere you are - at home, at work, at school or on the beach. Become part of the Green Generation!

Happy Earth Day from Green Homes!